Employers’ Confederation of Thailand
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Employers’ Confederation of Thailand
About ECOT

About ECOT Employers’ Confederation of Thailand


History ECOT

ECOT History     

The Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Industries Association, both of which represent the nation’s industrial and commercial interests, jointly agreed to found a bureau for the pursuit of business and industrial studies. This new bureau would be able to support the activities of the two organizations and facilitate the achievement of their objectives more efficiently.

            A meeting between the two organizations was subsequently held on November 17, 1974, at which time a resolution to establish the said office for business and industrial studies was passed. The Board of this office would be comprised of representative of both of the founding organizations, and its objectives were determined to be as follows:

  1. to promote co-operation among businesses in various fields
  2. to promote understanding and co-operation between the private sector operators and the government
  3. to promote good labour relations
  4. to promote studies on private-sector activities and effective business management

      This Bureau of Business and Industrial Studies has continued to be administered successfully by the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Industries Association until the present.

      This Bureau of Business and industrial Studies has continued to be administered successfully by the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai industries Association until the present 

      During this period labour problems were rife, and these problems affected many of the Bureau’s members. Workers were submitting demands and calling strikes, all to the detriment of the members’ business interests and of the nation’s economy as a whole. In 1975 the Labour Relations Act was passed to provide principles and procedures necessary to address these labour problems. The Act stipulated that both workers and employers should form organizations and unions to represent both sides, employers and employees, in the search for improved relations and an end to disputes.

      The Board of Directors of the Bureau of Business and industrial Studies thus resolved in its meeting number 1/2518 of May 19, 1975 to form employers’ association, in accordance with the said Labour Relations Act. The Bureau of Business and industrial Studies would act as a central coordinating body for these various associations. The Board’s reasons for this resolution were as follows:

1.     to implement the letter of the Labour Relation Law allowing such employers’ associations

2.     to facilitate negotiations between employers and workers in the form of discussions between equal organizations, with representatives from both parties participating 

3.     to promote good relation between employers and workers, as the intermediacy of two organizations would help to reduce tensions and enhance the spirit of negotiation

4.     to lend weight and credence to such negotiations and provide serious resolution of labour conflicts, due to the greater credibility organizations of such size would bear.


      This resolution resulted in numerous employers’ associations being founded. The Bureau of Business and Industrial Studies assisted and co-ordinated this new development and helped to have each association registered according to law. The first association  to be founded were for employers in the electric appliance, iron and steel, refrigeration, textiles, and contracting industries.

      Other associations were established and registered at the central registration office, namely employers association for Bangkok hotel, Pattaya hotel, ferry owners, tailors, and medical supplies.

      The establishment of the Employers’ Confederation of Thailand took place at a general meeting of all these employers’ associations at 10.00 hours on August 23, 1976 at the Ming Rom in the Indra Regent Hotel, Pratu Nam, Bangkok. The Bureau of Business and Industrial studies was empowered to act as the Council’s Secretary General’s Office.

      The Employers’ Confederation of Thailand (ECOT) was not founded as a juristic person at that time, unlike the various employers’ associations, because there was no provision for its existence in the law nor any requirement that it be officially registered. With the rise to power of a new regime on October 6, 1976, however, the Revolutionnary Council issued Order number 46 of October 21, 1976 amending the Labour Relations Act of 1975 and requiring that the ECOT be registered likewise. The ECOT consequently held a meeting on October 27, 1976, and made a resolution to register accoedingly, entrusting the task to Sublieutenant Chan Manutamm. The ECOT was thus officially registrered on Januaey 7, 1977 with the number K.T.1.

      ECOT members who participated in the organization’s registration were 7 in number:

1.     Mr. Ob Vasurat; President; Pharmaceutical Employers’ Association.

2.     Police Lieutenant Cham Manutham; President: Electrical appliances Employers Association.

3.     Lieutenant Vanchai Bulakul; President: Pattaya Hotel Employers Association.

4.     Mr. Rangsi Cheevavetch; president: Lighter Owners Association of Thailand.

5.     Dr. Chaijudh Kamasuta; President: Thai Constructor Employers’ Association.

6.     Mr. Vallop Limpiti; President Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Employers’ Association.

7.     Mr. Sujin Benjin Benjarongkakul; President: Bangkok Hotel Employers’ Association.

      The Employers’ Confederation of Thailand consists of 10 employers’ Association and 1employers’ federation. Their names are given below. Other members consist of businessmen who have no affiliation with any such association or federation but wish to contribute to the ECOT as well. These members, 108 in all, were transferred from the Bureau of Business and Industrial Studies.

1.     Electric Applian Employers’ Association.

2.     Steel Business Employers’ Association.

3.     Medicine Employers’ Association.

4.     Textile Thaiproducts Employers’ Association.

5.     Thai Construction Employers’ Association.

6.     Cool Industry Employers’ Association.

7.     Thai Construction Employers’ Association.

8.     Bangkok  Hotels employers’ Association.

9.     Pattaya Hotels Employers’ association.

10.  ship Owners Employers’ Association of Thailand.

11.  Hotels Employers’ association of Thailand.

            The secretary-General of the ECOT, an official of the Bureau of Business and Industrial Studies is responsible for contacting members,directors, government agencies, and other related persons or agencies. The first person to hold this position, and a major influence in the establishment of the ECOT as well, was Mr.Supan Mungwicha,Who was Director-General of the Bureau at that time.

            Since its founding, the ECOT has been governed by 10 diffierent Boards. The names of its Chairmen are listed Chairmen are listed below: 

  1. Mr.Ob Wasurat                                                  1977-1979
  2. Police Lieutenant Chan Manootham                     1979-1981
  3. Mr.Banchert Chonwichan                                   1981-1983
  4. Mr.Banchert Chonwichan                                    1983-1985
  5. Mr.Udom Witaxirinant                                         1985-1987
  6. Mr.Udom Witaxirinant                                         1987-1989
  7. Mr.Chairayut Wasurat                                        1989-1991
  8. Mr.Chairayut Wasurat                                        1991-1993
  9. Dr.Thawa Thanesuan                                         1993-1995

10. Mr.Anantachai Kunanantakul                               1995-2015

11. Mr.Ekasit Kunanantakul                                      2015-Present


      The Employers’ Confederation of Thailand is presently performing its functions as stipulated by performing its own charter, and continues to grow and prosper. In 1996 47 more employers’ associations applied to join the ECOT. In addition, many individual businesses applied to be members, numbering 600 in all.



Vision ECOT
